WHAT: The sole mission of Work for Africa is to empower by creating jobs.
WHO: Work for Africa is meant for the poor and the oppressed with a goal of education. To give normal people the means to create a livelihood that would support them and their families. This project is aimed at the uninspired, the hopeless, and the downcast of this world.
WHO: Work for Africa is meant for the poor and the oppressed with a goal of education. To give normal people the means to create a livelihood that would support them and their families. This project is aimed at the uninspired, the hopeless, and the downcast of this world.
Whether you are a street vendor struggling to make ends meet, selling nick-knacks, or an artisan crocheting the top to recycles soles to sell, the mission of this project is to teach, in the easiest way possible, how to market your business. Maybe you are working 14 hour days in a sweatshop, dreaming of spending time with your family or as a childminder to those of means, while enduring the pain of not seeing your own children grow. Work for Africa is intended to give you the tools to help yourself, to grow your own business from scratch.
WHY: Having the ability to feed your family and to care for your loved ones should be a freedom we all have the right too, but unfortunately it is not, yet. Children are starving every day and communities of families are threatened and living in fear of extinction. Fighting for survival is what generations and generations have done before us. Why shouldn't we carry on living this way?
The mission of Work for Africa is to not only educate and empower the weak, but to also educate the privileged on more sustainable and current ways, to create better ways and better days for everyone and future generations. If you are safe in your First World 'bubble' then the problems and survival of Third World countries is the least of your worries. The U.S.A., for example, is divided by the Atlantic, surrounded by borders and control, while living the American Dream of hope and prosperity in the country of the free. Compared to the rest of the world, we are blessed in way we cannot even comprehend in our isolation.
The mission of Work for Africa is to not only educate and empower the weak, but to also educate the privileged on more sustainable and current ways, to create better ways and better days for everyone and future generations. If you are safe in your First World 'bubble' then the problems and survival of Third World countries is the least of your worries. The U.S.A., for example, is divided by the Atlantic, surrounded by borders and control, while living the American Dream of hope and prosperity in the country of the free. Compared to the rest of the world, we are blessed in way we cannot even comprehend in our isolation.
John Dewey said, "Man is not logical and his intellectual history is a record of mental reserves and compromises. He hangs on to what he can in his old beliefs even when he is compelled to surrender their logical basis". So, we understand that the task at hand is not ever going to be easy.
We also understand that this is absolutely crucial, as, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'. - Nelson Mandela.
We also understand that this is absolutely crucial, as, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'. - Nelson Mandela.